February, 2020 Rules Committee Meeting

Date: Sunday Feb 9, 2020 Time: 8:00PM Eastern (please adjust for your local time zone). Using the Zoom App Access code: 808 094 030 Dial in by phone Phone: 720.707.2699 Access Code: 808 094 030 One Touch Mobile +1720.707.2699,,808094030#

February, Ranking Committee Meeting

Date: Sunday, February 16, 2020 Time: 8PM Eastern (Adjust for your local time zone.) Using the Zoom App Access code: 808 094 030 Dial in by phone 720.707.2699 Access Code: 808 094 030 One Touch Mobile +1720.707.2699,,808094030#

February Team Contacts Conference Call,

Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 Time: 8:15PM Eastern (adjust for your local time zone) Items for discussion • NBBA 2020 Calendar Year • How to Register with the NBBA • NBBA Fees for 2020 Calendar Year • How to Pay • Dates of Importance in 2020 • The NBBA Web Site Calendar • 2020 Regional […]

February Public Relations Committee Meeting

Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 Time: 8:00pm Eastern (adjust for your local time zone) Join this meeting using the Zoom App on iOS or Android Access code: 315 936 558 Join this meeting by dialing in by phone Phone: 720.707.2699 Access code: 315 936 558 Join this meeting using One Touch Mobile +1720.707.2699,,315936558#

Special NBBA Board Meeting

Date: March 1, 2020 Time: 5PM Eastern (Adjust for your local time zone) Join this meeting by dialing in by phone Phone: 720.707.2699 Access Code: 706 863 044 Join this meeting using the One Touch Mobile +17207072699,,706863044#